Conductor and artisticdirector of the Choir of the Podlasie Operaand Philharmonic in Białystok, teacher. She studiedchoir conducting with Professor Józef Bokand Professor Ryszard Zimak at the PWSM(currently Fryderyk Chopin University of Music)in Warsaw (diploma with distinction). A graduateand former member of faculty in the PostgraduateStudies in Choir Conducting and Vocal PedagogyDepartment of the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz.Professor at the Fryderyk Chopin Universityof Music in Warsaw, she teaches in its Departmentof Instrumental and Educational Studies inBiałystok (head of the Choral Conducting Unit in1999–2005, currently head of the Unit of ChoirStudies and Artistic Education; in 2005–12 DeputyDean of the Faculty). Bielecka runs the singingclass at the Ignacy Paderewski Music Schools inBiałystok, where she took the helm of the schools’Schola Cantorum Bialostociensis Women’s Choir(1987–2009). In 1995–2017 she was the Presidentof the Cantica Cantamus Association of Loversof Choral Music in Białystok, for whom she ranthe Cantica Cantamus Białystok Chamber Choirin 1998–2006. Initiator and organiser of the PolishChoir of Peace, an international workshop foryoung Poles living in the country and the diaspora,she actively performs, and has repeatedly touredPoland, Germany, Italy, France, Ukraine, Belarus,Latvia, Romania, and Moldova. In 1995–97, shewas vocal consultant for the Opera Choir of theTeatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw.In 2015 she was reinvited to work on the premiereof Moniuszko’s The Haunted Manor. The choirsshe has conducted have won numerous prizesand accolades.