
Michelle Breedt

Michelle Breedt obtained her B.Mus. Degreeat the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.After an apprenticeship at the opera houses inCape Town and Pretoria, she continued her studiesat the Guildhall School in London. In 1990 shemoved to Germany where she was a memberof the Opera Studio in Cologne, thereafter joiningthe Ensemble of the State Theatrein Braunschweig.Since then Michelle Breedt had been a regularguest at the Wiener Staatsoper, the Zurich Opera,the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the SemperoperDresden, the Hamburg State Opera, the Opérade Paris, Theater an der Wien, Amsterdam Opera.Recent highlights include Theater an der Wien– a new production of Dialogues des carmélites,Hamburg Staatsoper – Eboli/Don Carlos, Zurich –a new production of Die Fledermaus, theComposer/Ariadne auf Naxos and otherproductions. In 2000 Michelle Breedt madeher debut at the Bayreuth Festival as Magdalene/Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, later followedby invitations as Fricka, Brangäne and Venus.Michelle Breedt has an active concert and recitalcareer. She has been a regular guest at the famousSchubertiade in Schwarzenberg and was invitedfor recitals at the Salzburg Festival. She was alsoto be heard at the Wigmore Hall in Londonand at the Berlin Philharmonie and KonzerthausBerlin, the Wiener Konzerthaus and Musikverein,to mention just a few. Conductors with whom shehas worked include Ozawa, Thielemann, de Billy,Rilling, Welser-Möst, Tate, Schneider, PhilippeJordan and Gerd Albrecht.Michelle Breedt has a considerable discography –her recording of Korngold’s A Midsummer Night’sDream under Gerd Albrecht won the GermanCritics Award. Her recording of Mozart’s TheMarriage of Figaro under Michael Halasz wasreleased in 2004, and Wesendonck Lieder cameon the market in 2005. The mezzo-soprano tookpart also in the recording of Clemenza di Titoreleased on the Sony Label.