
Gold Beethoven at the auction of Polish Radio Program 2

For the jubilee edition – the 20th Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival in Warsaw, Tymek Borowski has prepared an extraordinary installation. In the lobby of the National Philharmonic he set the bust of Beethoven which every day was changing its appearance. The unique installation has just been exposed to a special charity auction #KulturaPomaga organized by the Polish Radio Program 2.

It would seem that it is a classical sculpture, which – obviously – is to commemorate the patron of the festival. But famous for its unconventional artistic projects, awarded last year with the “Paszport Polityki” in the category of visual arts for the “innovative approach to the art and to redefine the role of the artist in contemporary society” -Tymek Borowski could not so disappoint his fans. Seemingly ordinary bust, evolved from day to day, in front of the festival audience.

– What is important is that when more people impose another layers of gold, Beethoven’s features become less and less visible, the worship blurs out the features of the beloved human, the man of flesh and blood turns into a shimmering, amorphous lump – Borowski explains.

As the first to put the gold flakes on the bust of the patron was the General Director of the Festival – Mrs. Elzbieta Penderecka. Then a number of prominent artists and representatives of the world of culture and art invited to join the Easter Festival, joined the group of specific “goldsmiths”, among them: violinist Anne Akiko Meyers and Agata Szymczewska, conductors Alexander Liebreich, Łukasz Borowicz and Krzysztof Urbanski, composers Krzysztof Penderecki and John Corigliano, actor Wojciech Pszoniak, author of the poster promoting the 20th edition of the Beethoven Festival Agata Bogacka, Director and Editor-in-Chief of Polish Radio Program 2 Małgorzata Małaszko – Stasiewicz and the author of the sculpture himself, Tymek Borowski.

The Ludwig van Beethoven Association (organizer of the Easter Festival) handed over the Golden Bust of Beethoven to the management of Polish Radio Program 2. On the national Childrens Day, June 1, sculpture by  Borowski will become a subject to a charity auction, which aims to support the Social Welfare Home for Children and Youth in Broniszewice.

We strongly encourage you to participate in this auction.

For more details please visit: kulturapomaga.polskieradio.pl

29th Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival – “Beethoven and Great Poetry”
