
Kacper Nowak

Kacper Nowak is a well established Polish concert cellist based in Brussels. Gary Hoffman describes him as

„a most gifted young cellist with exceptional technical attributes and a very natural and

unmannered approach to music”


The Belgian broadcasting network (RTBF): „Kacper Nowak undoubtedly has the stature of a soloist with a voluptuous, warm, powerful, but always elegant sound. But the element that charmed us the most is perhaps his stylistic accuracy: whether he plays J-S. Bach, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky or Martinu, Kacper Nowak is credible, andthat, in our eyes, is the height of refinement.”


Ruch muzyczny (Polish leading classical music magazine) "Kacper Nowak proved to be an absolutely sensational cellist..." "His climaxes, approached withgrandeur, vigor, and vitality; the passion, wonderfully executed Elfenmotivik in Mendelssohn, aswell as the played with lively tempo Fantasiestücke by Schumann, with significant dynamic contrasts, asif hidden within the meter and prosody of a song, were unparalleled."


Kacper was born in Poland and already from an early age he was in close contact with music. Hiseducational path started in Poznań with Danuta Taczanowska, continued in Brussels with Didier Poskin, Cologne with Maria Kliegel, Antwerp with Justus Grimm and finally at the Queen ElisabethMusic Chapel under Gary Hoffman’s artistic direction, along with Masterclasses with GérardCaussé, Augustin Dumay, Gautier Capuçon, Artemis Quartet, Jean-Guihen Queyras and NataliaGutman allowed him to develop a very individual style, full of passion but respectful towardscomposer’s will.

Kacper performed in most renowned halls in Europe and abroad (Bozar, Flagey in Brussels, deSingel in Antwerp, Villa Medici in Rome, la Seine Musicale in Paris, Opéra de Lyon, Liège Philharmonic, Poznan Philharmonic, Royal Palace in Warsaw, Duomo in Milan, Dubaï Opera, Vilnius Academy Hall, Wigmore Hall and Cadogan Hall in London, Konzerthaus Vienna, etc.) andbecame top prize winner at several competitions such as Johannes Brahms, Madrid and ViennaInternational Competitions, Liezen Cello Wettbewerb, Edmond Baert International Cello Competition in Brussels, Supernova and Nordic Strings. He recorded a series of CDs in duo with Christia Yuliya Hudziy, Urban Piano Quartet and Ensemble K that have been praised by the international press (New York Cello Society, BBC, France Musique, RTBF, Crescendo Magazine and Diapason).

In September 2022 Kacper did his debut at the Wiener Konzerthaus with Beethoven Triple Concerto and WienerKammerOrchester recorded live by MezzoTV. In October of the same year he performed solo Bach program at Cadogan Hall in London in a widely broadcasted event byMezzo and Medici Tv and supported by the brand Cartier.

In 2023 Kacper becomes a Pirastro Artist, records a CD with Lucas Krupinski solely dedicatedtoPolish music, featuring 2 premieres of works by Krzysztof Penderecki (1st violin sonata transcribed for cello) and Andrzej Panufnik (Love song originally for voice). In September of the same year, Kacper becomes laureate of the Schoenfeld International Competition in Harbin/China with his Urban Piano Quartet.


Kacper Nowak is represented by the Ludwig van Beethoven Association.

29th Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival – “Beethoven and Great Poetry”
