The chorus has been active virtually since theestablishment of the Opera Theatre in Warsaw.It has sung in operas and sometimes alsoin stage productions. Since the 19th century,its performances in the Teatr Wielki (GrandTheatre) have constantly garnered enthusiasticpress reviews. The opening of the restored buildingof the Teatr Wielki in 1965 provided the impulsefor expanding the Opera Chorus. The new hugestage required a large and powerful ensemble,which was to become a real highlight of operaproductions. Since that time the chorus has beenconducted by Józef Bok, Zofia Urbanyi-Świrska,Henryk Wojnarowski, Lech Gorywoda, Jan Szyrocki,and Bogdan Gola, who have each played a rolein its steady development. The Chorus of the TeatrWielki in Warsaw has performed over 80 famousoperas, gaining recognition among criticsand audiences both at home and abroad. It hastaken part in numerous international concerttours of the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera,appearing on the most important music stagesin Europe and at many famous open-air festivals.